Below is a list of all the commands that are available in the bot, organized by category, each with a brief description of what they do and how to use them.
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/settings edit staff
Edit the staff role for this server.
/settings view
View the current settings for this server.
/token clear
Delete ALL access tokens.
/token create
Create a new access token.
/token edit
Edit an existing access token.
/token list
List all access tokens.
/token lock
Send an embed allowing users to enter any of the available access tokens.
/token random
Create a new access token with a randomly generated password.
/token remove
Remove an existing access token.
/token reset
Reset the uses of an access token back to 0.
/token upload
Create multiple access tokens from a CSV file.
/token view
View details of an access token.
/verification emoji config
Show the current configuration of the emoji verification.
/verification emoji embed
Send the emoji verification embed.
/verification emoji role
Set the role to give to users upon successful emoji verification.